In His Name Devotionals

“For in Him we live and move and have our being...” (Acts 17:28 NKJV)

What is a "call to depthness"? Maybe you have traveled to the depths of the ocean, perhaps capturing the essence and feelings of Hawaii's equatorial underwater paradise beneath the sea, with its dramatic reefs and breathtaking marine life.

Some may never have this experience, but have encountered similar depths when exploring the inner self, with its nameless emotions, complicated cross-currents of anxiety, and intricate webs of undecipherable feelings of fear and excitement.

Each of us is called to an experience of "depthness" with God through Bible study, prayer, meditation and fasting. The scriptures are replete with stories of men and women who have journeyed into the depth of their humanness to discover answers to deep feelings of inadequacy, unworthiness, and the meaning of life.

Going into the depths of our inner being and communicating with Him is imperative if we are to become a light to a lost and dying world—a world of unsaved sinners. Those who answer this call, find in our depths both the riddle and meaning of our creation, discovering the paradox of our estrangement from, yet commonality with, others. And there, in the deepest part of our soul, we encounter God—for it is "In Him, and through Him, and with Him, that we live, move and have our very being."

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