In His Name Devotionals

“Faith lite” is church membership without discipleship. It’s talk without a walk. It’s piety on Sunday morning and something else the rest of the time. It is lots of Bible-talk and precious little obedience. This appears to be the prevailing form of religion today.

There is evidence pointing to the popularity of “faith lite.” From the failure rate of marriages among Christians to a general lack of Bible knowledge to the standards for making ethical decisions, survey after survey says there is little or no significant difference between “us” and “them.”

It is difficult hiking wilderness trails because of rocks, steep climbs and unfriendly animals. Yes, there are beautiful vistas and the experience is exhilarating, but are we entitled to the view without the climb?

What about faith? Are we so accustomed to fast food and credit card gratification that we want Christ without a cross? Without the climb?

Too many leaders in church, i.e., elders, preachers, teachers and deacons, want growth without pain. But you can’t have muscular souls without lifting spiritual weight. It doesn’t happen, can’t happen, won’t happen.

Faith comes by hearing—and struggling and obeying and self-denial and suffering. It doesn’t come by being a church member or by being an elder or preacher or teacher or deacon. You’re no more a Christian for being in a church or leading a church than a tricycle is a Cadillac for being in a garage.

Authentic faith is always possible. But it will not come without suffering. So pray less for an easy time of it and more for strength to endure. Invest less effort in making excuses and more in being surrendered.

Jesus warned people to count the cost before saying they wanted to be His disciples. Did you?

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