In His Name Devotionals

“When Herod the king had heard these things, he was troubled, and all Jerusalem with him.” (Matthew 2:3)

How often the childish mind has said, “I wish I were king!” This would seem to end all problems. He would have riches, influence, servants, and what more could he want? Yet, we must consider the case of King Herod.

Was he afraid that a “new born” child would take away his kingdom? Couldn’t he wait until the child was grown before he was concerned? The answer to these questions would at best be a partial answer. It is just possible Herod’s own conscience was bothering him. It could be, he might have thought, that a movement is already afoot to remove him from his throne.

This may seem like a problem far removed from your world, but just who is the king of your life? In most cases it is “self.” When you begin to feel your ‘self reign’ is threatened, will you become that “troubled King?” Do you put up the same struggle as Herod?

This has become the destroyer of homes, marriages and families. One or more individual has been bothered because his or her “self reign” has been threatened. Today is a selfish society motivated by the “me first” philosophy. Really Jesus wants to be the king of your life for His is a kingdom of happiness (check the beatitudes of Matthew 5), but are you afraid you will lose your kingdom? Are you a “troubled” king?

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