In His Name Devotionals

“You shall not steal.” (Exodus 20:15 NKJV)

The seventh commandment is often ignored today by many decent people, because they think they never break it. But Paul wrote in Ephesians 4 to Christians, and he was truly worried about their stealing. Do you think it strange that Christians should have to be told not to steal?

We live in a country where shrewd business is rewarded. When shrewdness becomes a way of gaining wealth or reputation at the expense of others, even though it may get by the laws of the state, it is no longer a Christian virtue, and becomes robbery.

On the other hand, we must not fall for the modern idea that it is smart to live without working, letting the state or federal government provide support by subsidies, grants, bonuses, and pensions. Let each one work and put his/her hands to an honest task.

Finally, the reading in Ephesians 4 mentions giving to those in need. This means that if you give to the church only what is left, therefore cutting off without a cent the benevolent works which the church of our Lord supports, you are robbing God, grieving the Holy Spirit, Whom Christians claim as guide for spiritual living.

Pray that God will grant an abundance of material blessings. Thank Him for His continual providence. Ask Almighty God for Holy Spirit guidance, so you may not misuse God’s gifts by greedy accumulation or lazy dependence on others, and that you may share with those in need.

“...Striving together for the faith of the gospel” (Philippians 1:27 NKJV).

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