In His Name Devotionals

“Paul and Timothy, bond-servants of Christ Jesus...” (Philippians 1:1 NIV)

Timothy was Paul’s trusted companion in the Gospel. In Philippians 2:20 Paul describes him as a man “of kindred spirit.” That is, they were like-minded, sharing the same love for Christ and His church.

Elsewhere Paul described Timothy as his “beloved and faithful child in the Lord” (1 Corinthians 4:17) and as a “fellow-worker in the Gospel of Christ” (Romans 16:21; 1 Thessalonians 3:2). Those are significant compliments coming from Paul, whose standard of ministry and personal integrity was very high.

However, as godly and useful as Timothy was, he apparently struggled with many of the same weaknesses mankind faces today. For example, 2 Timothy implies he might have been intimidated by the false teachers who challenged his leadership (1:7). He perhaps was somewhat ashamed of Christ (1:8) and was tempted to alter his theology to avoid offending those who disagreed with sound doctrine (1:13-14). He might have been neglecting his studies in the Word (2:15) and succumbing to ungodly opinions (2:16-17). Other struggles are implied as well. Paul wrote to strengthen Timothy’s spiritual character and to encourage him to persevere in the face of sever trials. Despite those apparent weaknesses, Paul valued Timothy highly and entrusted enormous ministerial responsibilities to him. In addition, Timothy’s friendship and ministry were sources of great joy and strength to Paul.

Hopefully, you have people of kindred spirit in your life—brothers and sisters in Christ who encourage you, pray for you, and hold you accountable to God’s truth. Like Timothy, they may not be all you want them to be, but they are precious gifts from God. Esteem them highly, and pray for them often. Do everything you can to reciprocate their ministry in your life.

If perhaps you lack such friends, seek the fellowship of Christians, where Jesus is exalted; His Holy Word uplifted and taught; and holy living encouraged, build relationships with mature Christians who will stimulate you to love and good deeds (Hebrews 10:24).

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