In His Name Devotionals

“...From a child thou hast known the Holy Scriptures.” (2 Tim. 4:15)

We want our children to be in the company of kind, genuine people. We want our children to sit at the feet of the best teachers! We want our children to have the most relevant and up to date education materials. No people; no teacher; no materials we have today can compare to those in the Bible, the Word of God.

When we teach our children the famous people of the Bible, we are teaching about God’s nature, how He is always there for us; how He demands our love and presence with Him. We must also consider people like E’bedme’leck, an Ethiopian, who helped Jeremiah. What about Andrew and Bar’nabas, Eunice and Lois who were ordinary people whose small acts were actually great. And, the Master Teacher, Jesus, the best who ever lived on this earth.

Some of the Old Testament teachers were Moses, David, Solomon, and the prophets. The New Testament writers have lessons no modern writer or teacher can match. If we long for our children to read the best literature in the most beautiful language ever written, it can be found in the old King James Version. God gave us the Old Testament to learn about Him. We must take time to teach our children. Knowing the people and events of the Bible should be our highest goal. The most important thing we can do for ourselves and our children is studying the Bible, then living the lessons we learn.

Father, in preparing our children for life, and wanting the best for them, we are careful to include sports, academics, and social life. Please help us to include the best thing in Heaven and on earth—Your truths. In His holy name, Amen.

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