In His Name Devotionals

“...For we have seen his star in the east...” (Matthew 2:2)

The star that guided the wise men, like all God’s dealings with men, and His works of nature, is an illustration and example of the way God leads us to Christ, our King. Our Guiding Stars:

(1) The star of science, the knowledge of what God does in nature. (2) The star of experience, what God has actually done for us and in us, and for others that we know. (3) The star of history—especially the divinely guided history given us in the Bible. (4) The star of revelation from Heaven.

(5) The star of our needs and longings, and hungerings.

(6) Christ outshines all the other stars of heaven, as well as the other helps God gives us.

(7) With us as with the wise men in God’s Word, only those who have the star in their hearts will go on the quest for their King.

(8) There are always stars somewhere to those who look up. One may not know the way they are going, but in Christ can know the guide.

The wise men followed their star, and showed wisdom by bringing rich gifts to Jesus. We give to Jesus by giving to our fellow men and his children, the gifts of every kind He would give if He were physically here. We are His almoners; His representatives. The very least of us, the poorest, have this privilege, as Jesus has taught us by ‘the cup of cold water’ and ‘the widow’s two mites.’

The wise men found the King they sought. And yet it was but the least of Him found, only the child that was to become the King. There was infinitely more to find as the years rolled on and He lived, and taught, and healed, and worked wonders, and died, and rose again. The search will never end, and the King be wholly known, till He has become King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

No one can find Jesus as He is without searching for Him. The search is essential to finding Him, or knowing Him when found. Moral training, strength, growth, life, come from the intense struggle to reach the goal. Sitting on the mountain top of vision, when carried there by a magic carpet, is a very small thing compared to the strength and vigor, and power which comes from climbing up to the glorious vision.

The greatest power of success comes through the striving and winning, saying with Paul, ‘not that I have attained...but I press on toward the goal.’

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