In His Name Devotionals

“Let the heart of them rejoice that seek the Lord.” (1 Chronicles 16:10)

The above verse in 1 Chronicles contains words taken from the Psalm David taught Israel when religion was enjoying a great revival among the people of God.

It is unfortunate that some feel religion is joyless. In their lack of informed judgment they feel you can’t be a Christian and be happy at the same time. Your challenge, as a Christian, is to find how you can always rejoice in seeking the Lord.

The problem is not in the seeker, but in the observer turned critic, whose life has been so geared to the satisfaction of appetites, gratifying senses, and charming imagination that he has lost the thrill of discovery.

In the heart of the true searcher there is little room, now or ever, for the gratification of that which is described by James as, “earthly, sensual, or devilish’ (James 3:15).

The prospector finds his reward in finding. So it is with that happy seeker who is carried along with the promise of the Savior, “Seek and ye shall find...” (Matthew 7:7). With this promise there is assurance of success. The prophet gives a great starting place when he wrote, “Seek ye out of the book of Jehovah and read” (Isaiah 34:16). This is the beginning place for “rejoicing.” Are you rejoicing in Christ today?

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