In His Name Devotionals

Pre-Christian Paul was neither the first nor last person to be addicted to religion as a substitute for knowing God. It took a dramatic experience on the Damascus Road to make him realize that his version of religion was self-defeating, wrong-headed, and damning.

It is a dangerous addiction that seeks to kill the pain in one's soul with the husks of a fragile system. Christianity is not a "system" but a relationship with God through Christ. It is founded on grace, accepted by faith, and lived in joy. Its addictive alternative is founded on human effort, accepted in some all-important ritual or ceremony, and lived in consuming fear of inadequacy.

Christian faith liberates, while religion addiction enslaves. The former speaks of accountability to Jesus alone and allows great freedom and respect within a group of companion-seekers of the kingdom of God. The latter replaces Christ's salvation with approval by a set of human administrators or judges who negotiate one's acceptance within the group.

Are you wondering whether you might be a religion addict instead of a Christian? Here are a few questions that might help you decide:

Do you fear that God will turn His back on you if you do not do enough for Him?

Do you give money to a church or ministry in order for God to bless you?

Do you often tell your spouse or children what to do without explaining your reasons, just because you know you are right?

Do you have to check with your minister or a trusted interpreter of Scripture in order to decide your position on some spiritual issue?

Do you believe God is punishing you for something you did a long time ago?

Do you think that if you work harder for Him, God might eventually forgive you?

An affirmative answer to even one of these questions may indicate that one is an addict to religion rather than a devotee of God. Multiple positive answers testify to a major problem.

The unfortunate irony is that people whose desire for God and motivation to do His will are strongest are also the most susceptible to religion addiction. And the propagators of religion addiction know how to play on their sensitivity and keep them in bondage through fear.

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