In His Name Devotionals

“The young man said to Him, All these things I have kept from my youth. What do I still lack?” (Matthew 19:20)

Did you ever meet an individual by the name, “You Can’t,” who was a cousin to the name, “I Can’t?”

“You Can’t” probably was raised in an environment of not and don’t. You’re too young to play with the other children. You’ll hurt yourself if you try to do that. By school age, ‘You Can’t’ was a little slower than most other children. “You Can’t” had trouble reading, writing, and paying attention.

Junior high school was a real problem for “You Can’t.” “You Can’t” just couldn’t mix and get along with others. High school was not much better and ‘You Can’t’ was reminded, you’ll not amount to much.

As an adult, “You Can’t” got married and had a good relationship until the money problems, job lay-offs, and trying to raise two children. Life really has been a problem and not easy for “You Can’t.” “You Can’t” just can’t seem to win for losing.

If Jesus was alive today, what words or thoughts might He give to “You Can’t?” “I am the way, the truth, and the life” (John 4:6). If you have the faith of a mustard seed, you can move mountains. Just as Peter had faith and walked on water looking at Me, you can succeed (Matthew 14:22-33). Never, never quit (1 Timothy 6:12). My kingdom is not of this world (John 18:36). Remember, you only have one life to live (Hebrews 9:27), and “You Can’t” or “I Can’t” afford to miss Heaven.

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