In His Name Devotionals

“That He would grant you, according to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened with might through His Spirit in the inner man.” (Ephesians 3:16)

The three R’s of religion: Relax in God’s peace; Refresh in God’s energies; Relinquish to God’s wisdom and will.

The above appeared in a local paper, reminding us of Paul’s statement in Ephesians 3:16. We pray that out of His glorious riches God may strengthen you with power through His Spirit in your inner being.

A Christian’s life is blessed with the indwelling of God’s Spirit—a gift from God. Acts 2:38 says, “...And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.” His Spirit is enriching to our lives. How many people do we come in contact with daily who do not have this blessing? Pray that we always include in daily prayer a request of God to help us recognize someone seeking more knowledge about God. It’s often easier to begin a conversation about Jesus Christ with someone, after they have shared with us a need or a problem in their own life. People are very receptive to the idea that you are praying for them. When we relax in God’s peace we can feel the extra strength He gives us. We are refreshed in His energies, by sharing with others. It is very rewarding to send notes of encouragement to others— taking the time to communicate thoughts and ideas on a one-on-one basis. Relinquishing to God’s wisdom and will is a work in progress for all of us. It’s so simple once we relinquish ourselves, but sometimes it’s so hard to do.

Is God’s Spirit a comfort in your life? Our Father is dependable and wise beyond what we could ever understand. A Christian’s life is truly a blessed life. There will undoubtedly be trials and tribulations, but the Holy Spirit is always there for us—even unto the end of the earth.

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