In His Name Devotionals

We mortals, all of us: kings, servants, presidents, lawyers, doctors, preachers, teachers, rich, poor, black, white, yellow, red, brown—we all have a problem. We are on board a space vehicle called earth, and it, along without whole solar system, is dashing through space at a speed of thousands of miles per hour, and we do not know what is down the track, nor do we know how or when the journey is going to end.

The amazing thing about this journey is that we did not choose to get on this roller-coaster, and there is only one way to get off: death. And that turns out to be another problem awaiting us. None of us have yet crossed the valley of the shadow of death to see what is "in that undiscovered country from whose borne no traveler returns." As Shakespeare said, "It is better to bear those ills we have than to fly to others that we know not of."

Christians have an advantage: We believe that the builder of this universe paid a visit to this blue planet, told us how everything began and how it is going to end, and then died on a Roman cross at the hands of the people He came to save. He told us what was beyond the veil of death, and He left us a roadmap to get off this spaceship and safely land on the eternal shore where God is the light and there will be no darkness, death, tears, sorrow, and God Himself will be the light.

To some, this is all foolishness, but if you know of a better solution to our problem, the panicking passengers on Spaceship Earth are ready to hear it.

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