In His Name Devotionals

“Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it.” (Proverbs 22:6)

In modern historical terms, the decade of the ‘50’s was an age of innocence. World War II had ended. The nuclear family had been revitalized. Family values enjoyed a renaissance and the world was essentially at peace.

A child’s greatest fear was the neighborhood bully and among a parent’s greatest dread were mundane childhood diseases and, for a while, the threat of polio. Television, a developing medium, offered the simplicity of Howdy Doody and Hopalong Cassidy. Movie characters dared not utter profanities. Sexual references and innuendos were not commonplace in movies and depictions of explicit sex in any form had no means of invading our homes. Coke was a soft drink and the terms crack and smack had no context in the drug culture.

In the ‘50’s children honored and respected their parents, their teachers and anyone else in a position of authority. Parents, while respecting the rights of their children, fulfilled their children’s need for guidance, discipline and love. More importantly, this was accomplished by the parents as a couple and in the home.

The effect of strong parental direction pervaded society. Politicians served rather than disgraced their constituents. Professionals and business leaders concentrated on products and services, not the bottom line. Teachers were able to focus on educating their students rather than serving as surrogates for absentee parents. In short, it was a kinder, gentler time.

Above all, God maintained a presence in the lives of all, regardless of their faith, beliefs or religious backgrounds. Like today, the majority of the populace had a constant need to rely on God. In stark contrast to today, however, the will of the majority prevailed. This kept us in touch with God, wherever we were. Today, God is acknowledged only in church or in private settings for fear of provoking or infringing upon the rights of a small fragment of our society who have instead forced us to live outwardly according to their will.

Unless we heed Jesus’ words to the rich young man by giving of our blessings rather than concentrating on amassing more, we will have neither the time nor the inclination required to guide our children in the ways of God. Paul encouraged young Timothy (2 Timothy 3:16) to use the Scripture for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness. This should be our rallying cry in preparing our children for their life on earth and their eternity in heaven.

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