In His Name Devotionals

“Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it.” (Proverbs 22:6)

In the ‘50’s children honored and respected their parents, their teachers and anyone else in a position of authority. Parents, while respecting the rights of their children, fulfilled their children’s need for guidance, discipline and love. More importantly, this was accomplished by the parents as a couple and in the home.

The effect of strong parental direction pervaded society. Politicians served rather than disgraced their constituents. Professionals and business leaders concentrated on products and services, not the bottom line. Teachers were able to focus on educating their students rather than serving as surrogates for absentee parents. In short, it was a kinder, gentler time.

What has led us to such change in our society? Was it immoral politicians? Could it have been television, video games, movies, music or the internet? Was it shifting cultures? How about a breakdown in our educational system or the failure of church leaders to address our needs? Are drugs and alcohol the problem, or maybe total disregard for the sanctity of marriage and permanent relationships?

Could the breakdown in family relationships be attributable to our newly developed tolerance for alternative lifestyles and family structures? Perhaps it was the various forms of expressionism we have encouraged in our children, from saying no to drugs they find unpleasant or distasteful to body piercing, tattoos or dressing like society’s anti-heros.

The answer is none of these. There are only symptoms of the sickness which has crept into our homes and become so pervasive in our communities. Our children’s lack of direction and discipline, and ultimately hope, can be traced to two factors which represent major changes in the way we live our lives. These have occurred slowly but persistently since the ‘50’s. As America has embraced expanded freedoms and more pronounced forms of permissiveness, it has allowed its leaders to draw us away from God and the mainstream to a society in which the majority no longer plays a major role. In the interest of serving special interests and isolated segments of our population, we have let our lawmakers and jurists establish minority rule as our guiding principle.

Unless we heed Jesus’ words to the rich young man by giving of our blessings rather than concentrating on amassing more, we will have neither the time nor the inclination required to guide our children in the ways of God. Paul encouraged young Timothy (2 Timothy 3:16) to use the Scripture for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness. This should be our rallying cry in preparing our children for their life on earth and their eternity in heaven.

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