In His Name Devotionals

“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to His purpose.” (Romans 8:28)

What do you think of when you think of “comfort” in your life? To some, “comfort” may be having one meal a day, some kind of roof over their head, and clothing to keep warm. To others “comfort” is the opportunity to drive in a luxury automobile for dinner to a 5-star restaurant, wearing designer clothes. Still others may think of “comfort” as God wrapping His loving arms around them, keeping them next to His heart and always being there for them.

Consider this example: His father died 9 years ago. It was a very sad time in his life. He had a close relationship with both parents, but really missed his father. His father’s absence, however, caused him to spend more time with his mom. Since she didn’t drive, necessity, if nothing else, brought them closer together. After a while, he began to understand how his father’s predominant personality had affected mom. Then, as time went by, he observed mom’s personality began to blossom—she began to make decisions on her own and take charge of her life again.

“Comfort” can be knowing mom is leaning on God—taking life one day at a time!

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