In His Name Devotionals

“You shall not covet your neighbor’s house; you shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, nor his male servant, nor his female servant, not his ox, nor his donkey, nor anything that is your neighbor’s.” (Exodus 20:17)

That no one may think he has kept the Commandments of God when he has done or not done merely outward acts, this is added, in which man is forbidden the desires and lusts which destroy the soul, and out of which all evil actions spring.

“Therefore, we abide by the common sense of these commandments, that in the first place we do not desire our neighbor harm, no even assist or give occasion for it, but gladly see and leave him in the enjoyment of his own, and besides advance and preserve for him what may be for his profit and service, as we should wish to be treated. Thus these commandments are especially given against envy and miserable avarice, that God may remove all causes and sources whence arise everything by which we do injury to our neighbor, and therefore He expresses it in plain words: Thou shalt not covet, etc. For He would especially have the heart pure, although (man) shall never attain to that as long as (man) lives here; so that this commandment like all the rest, will constantly accuse us and show how ungodly we are in the sight of God” (Martin Luther). Only through Jesus Christ and His precious blood shed on the cross can we ever approach God with full assurance and joy. Refusing Jesus is unthinkable, considering God’s wrath (Exodus 20:5).

Pray that God will cleanse your heart, that where evil desire and envy dwelt, love may reign, and bring forth its good and holy fruit to the blessing of your neighbor and fellowman, to the glory of God.

“...Striving together for the faith of the gospel.” (Philippians 1:27 NKJV).

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