God's Word

An epilogue provides a chance to prick a reader; that is, to cause him or her to listen intently or with increasing interest. It works as follows:

Hopefully, you have read the first three studies mentioned in the Introduction of this study of God’s Word. If so, you know that in order to talk about ultimate reality one must think and talk seriously about God. There would be no other “reality” if it were not for the supreme reality of God. By thoughtfully considering those first three studies, i.e., “God the Father”; “God the Son”, and “God the Spirit” (see Contents for each study), we found that God is one (in essence) and three (in persons). The essence of God is spirit and the persons of God are Father, Son, and Spirit.

We also found in those first three studies that God is fully involved in rescuing fallen humanity. This is a matter of great interest and importance, both for StudyJesus.com and students of this present study, since we have all experienced “the fallen” state. You have no doubt discovered that God’s Word is an account of how and why the Bible (God’s Word) is the only trustworthy source to which one must turn for information about God and His relationship with us.

Now, we prick the reader. We have studied about God and His Word. We have traced the source, growth, completion, canonization, durability, and veracity of the Bible. We have shown it is reasonable and wise to search the Scriptures as the unique source God has provided for us to know His will for us. Therefore, with the conviction that God is the giver and preserver of life, and the Bible is His Word given to direct our lives, we urge you to continue and read God’s Salvation (see Contents).

God the Father, God the Son and God the Spirit speak of the one true and living God. There is no other. God created us in His likeness. He gives us life. He gave guidelines to be followed so His human creatures can continue to live in His presence and enjoy fellowship with Him as His children. When humankind violated those principles by which we may live eternally with Him, He came to our rescue by giving of Himself in the person of Jesus Christ. Jesus, the Perfect One, died on the cross for us. God’s infinite justice demanded a perfect sacrifice for our sins. Jesus is perfect. Jesus is flawless. He died for us. When we accept Him on His terms, He cleanses us of our imperfections (sins). Then, as followers of God, we may ask God the Father through Jesus the Son to forgive us of sins we commit as Christians.

This unsurpassed story of redemption comes only from the Bible. Therefore, we quite logically offered this study of God’s Word to trace out the compelling story of the Bible. We have attempted to show why it is logical, reasonable, and intelligent to accept the Bible for what it claims to be – the one true guide that tells us what we are to be and do to live with Him now and for evermore. This being the case, it is imperative that we study the Bible carefully. We find God’s way of salvation only in the Bible. Therefore, we prick the reader. Go to Contents and journey with us through a study of “God’s Salvation.” That journey may take each of us further than we ever imagined.

(Unless noted, Bible translation used is the New American Standard Bible)

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