Elijah - Servant of God

The exercise of prophetic ministry in Israel’s history was always a proof of the nation’s decline. As long as the machinery of the Mosaic economy was carried out according to its original design, the voice of a prophet was not heard. But, when failure had set in, when laws and institutions set up by God ceased to be carried out in their pristine spirit and power, then a demand for something additional was demanded, and that something was supplied by the Spirit of God through the prophets.

In the whole range of Levitical rites and ceremonies there was no place for the formation or maintenance of a ministry like that of Elijah the Tishbite; there was too much of the carnal element in them for that. The message of a prophet could only be delivered in the power of the Holy Spirit; therefore, as long as the Levitical institutions fulfilled their end, the Spirit had no need of a prophet.

There was no need of such a minister as Elijah in the days of Solomon’s glory and greatness; all was in order then – the whole machinery was in a sound condition – every wheel and every screw worked effectually in its own place – the king on the throne wielded the scepter for the maintenance of Israel’s civil interest – the priest in the temple discharged his religious functions in due order – the Levites and the singers were at their respective posts: in a word, there was a measure of order that rendered the voice of a prophet unnecessary.

However, the scene soon changed; the mighty tide of evil soon swept away the foundations of Israel’s civil and religious system. In process of time, ungodly men ascended the throne of David, sacrificing the interests of God’s people at the shrine of their own vile lusts. Their wickedness rose to such a height, until at last the wicked Ahab, along with his consort Jezebel, occupied the throne from which Solomon had administered God’s judgment.

Jehovah could not allow the tide of evil to rise any higher, so, He sent forth from His quiver a polished shaft to pierce the conscience of Israel – Elijah the Tishbite, a bold and uncompromising witness for God.1

We recommend a reading of 1 Kings 17, 18, 19 and 2 Kings 2:1-11. However, before proceeding with a brief look at the life and ministry of this remarkable man, let us consider the two-fold character of prophetic ministry. In considering the ministry of the prophets, we find that not only did each prophet have a distinct ministry, but in each case a double purpose was carried out: the Lord dealt with the present evil, while pointing the eye of the faithful to future glory. By the Holy Spirit, the prophet brought the light and truth of God to bear on the heart and conscience, faithfully laying open the hidden chambers of evil within, speaking plainly about the people's sad declension and departure from God, and removing the foundations of any false religious system which they were erecting.

But there was more. The prophet was not confined only to Israel’s humiliating failure; but, through grace, was able to add the solemn announcement, “O Israel, thou hast destroyed thyself, but in Me is thy help.” Here we have the two elements composing the ministry of the prophets, namely, Israel’s total failure, and God’s triumphant grace.

Truly this was an elevated ministry, of holy character.  What a glorious commission to stand amid the fragments of a crushed and ruined system, pointing to the happy time when God would display Himself in the immortal results of His own redeeming grace, to the joy of His ransomed ones in Heaven and on earth. 

1Elijah’s rugged figure became a model of the ideal prophet in Israel. Jesus fulfilled 40 days and nights of wilderness fasting as Elijah had done; many believed He was a reincarnated Elijah (1 Kings 19:8; Matt. 4:2; 16:14 [see page 489 in NASB Study Bible, 1999 edition]).

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