Heroines of Faith

This brief list is not intended to be exhaustive, but representative

"Four Mothers" by Yochi Brandes; Midrash Ruth Rabbah.

"The Story of David and Bat Shevah in the Book of Samuel – Its Nature and Purpose" by Moshe Garsiel.

"Governmental and Judicial Ethics in the Bible & Rabbinic Literature" by Dr. James E. Priest.

"The Temple" by Alfred Edersheim.

"Sketches of Jewish Social Life" by Alfred Edersheim.

"International Standard Bible Encyclopedia" by James Orr.

"Introduction to the Old Testament" by Henry Clarence Thiessen

"Introduction to the New Testament" by Henry Clarence Thiessen

"The Treasury of David" by C. H. Spurgeon

"The Expositor’s Greek Testament" by A. B. Bruce

"The Old Testament in Life and Literature" by Jane Stoddart

"The New Testament in Life and Literature" by Jane Stoddart

"Studies in Oriental Social Life" by Henry Clay Trumbull

"The International Bible Dictionary" by F. N. Peloubet

"The Expositor's Bible Commentary" (Old Testament) by Zondervan, edited by Tremper Longman III

"The Expositor's Bible Commentary" (New Testament) by Zondervan, edited by David E. Garland

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