Lesson Starters

Lesson Starters Beginning with the Letter "Y"

(Zech. 2:4)
Speak to the Thoughtless young man (Eccl. 11:9)
Speak to the Foolish young man (Prov. 7:7)
Speak to the Deserted young man (1 Sam. 30:13)
Speak to the Ungrateful young man (2 Sam. 18:5)
Speak to the Self-Righteous young man (Matt. 19:20)
Speak to the Fearful young man (2 Kings 6:17)
Speak to the Diligent young man (1 Kings 11:28)

“Preaching the Kingdom of God, and teaching those things which concern the Lord Jesus” (Acts 28:31)
What to preach:
His Deity – Godhead (John 1:1; Rom. 9:5)
His Manhood – including His birth (John 1:14; Luke 2:11; Heb. 10:5)
His Life – on the earth (Acts 10:38)
His Death – on the tree (Acts 10:39; 1 Pet. 2:24)
His Resurrection – by divine power (Rom. 1:4; 6:4; Acts 13:30)
His Ascension – into heaven (Heb. 4:14; Acts 1:2; Luke 24:51)
His Intercession – priesthood and advocacy (Heb. 5:6; 8:1; 1 John 2:1)
His Coming Again – for His own (John 14:3; Acts 1:11)
His Reign – universal peace (Is. 32:1; 9:6; Ps. 22:27, 28; 72:7, 8, 17)
His Glory – forever and ever (John 17:5; Rev. 5:13)
How to preach:
With all confidence (boldness)
Not with doubts and hesitancy, but that which suggests stability and certainty (Luke 1:24)

Save yourselves (Acts 2:40)
Examine yourselves (2 Cor. 13:5)
Arm yourselves (1 Pet. 4:1)
Assemble yourselves (Is. 19:20)
Humble yourselves (1 Pet. 5:6)
Separate yourselves (Ezra 10:11)
Show yourselves (Luke 17:14; NKJV)
Hide yourselves (Joshua 2:16)
Quit yourselves (1 Sam. 4:9; 1 Cor. 16:13)
Keep yourselves (Joshua 6:18; Jude 21)
Provide yourselves (Luke 12:33)
Reckon yourselves (Rom. 6:11)
Yield yourselves (Rom. 6:13)

Make the Holy Scriptures [not what you feel or experience] your sole authority for your justification, forgiveness, and hope of glory (Rom. 5:1; 1 John 2:12; Col. 1:27)
Make the Bible your daily companion, and continual prayer your characteristic daily habit (2 Tim. 3:15-17; 1 Thess. 5:17)
Confess Christ at all times, and under all circumstances, by words, behavior, or by silence; do it modestly, yet firmly (Luke 12:8, 9, 11; 2 Tim. 2:12, 13; 1 Pet 3:4)
Do not in public relate your experience – saying how good you are, how devoted, how holy. We are not good judges of our own state (Ex. 34:29; Ps. 66:16; Phil. 3:13-17)
Never go to meetings or join in amusements where you would not like the Lord to find you (Ps. 17:4, 5; 1 Cor. 10:31; Titus 2:11-14)
Give up at once for Christ’s sake all habits, all ways, all words unlike the blessed Lord whose Name you bear (1 Pet. 2:11; Eph. 5:1-4; 13-18; 4:22)
Be careful in the selection of your companions, rejecting any who are not distinctly on the Lord’s side (Ps. 1; Acts 4:23; 15:38, 40)
Never ridicule, or make sport or fun of the mistakes of anyone, especially of the Lord’s dear people (Rom. 14; Eph. 4:2, etc.)
Avoid, as you would the plague, all and every form of joking, jesting, and punning of the Word of God; yet ever be cheerful, happy, and bright (Eph. 5:4; Ps. 119:22, 63, 103, 133, etc.)
Make it a rule never to read books of periodicals the writers of which do not regard the Bible as fully inspired (John 5:44-47, etc.)

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