Methodical Principles
INTRODUCTION received this email response: “I had been a Bible student several years before actually learning how to study the Bible. Like so many others, I could follow the suggestions of others and answer questions, but, not knowing where to start or what to do I floundered when personally trying to launch out – the insight others had was lost to me. Treasures of the Bible always seemed locked behind abstract words, leaving me always depending on someone else to open the door.”

Secrets of Bible Study: In this brief treatise on Bible study principles, we will attempt to respond to the above student of the Bible and together seek answers regarding how to explore God’s Holy Word in a methodical and systematic way, as well as learn the precise steps to take when studying a passage.

Basically, studying the Bible is like working a combination lock. When we follow the steps, the Word opens up; we feel free; and we are no longer dependent on others to gain insights into Holy Scripture – Bible study becomes more meaningful and personal. It becomes deeply satisfying to know how to discover the deep truths found only in the Holy Word of God.

Indebtedness: The methods we offer are not new. They have been advocated by Biblical scholars down through the years. Dr. William Harrison wrote: “The student must be taught to believe that he is to be through-out life an independent, yet humble, investigator of truth as it presents itself in living form in the literature of Scripture and to find in Christ its highest and complete personal manifestation. Students of God’s Word should be able to go anywhere with a Bible and an unabridged dictionary and with these make themselves ready for the classroom or the pulpit.”

Purpose: Since our purpose is to help the average Christian, as well as leaders in the church learn methodical Bible study techniques we have divided the lessons into two parts: Part I – ten lessons on Bible Study; Part II – seven lessons on Bible Teaching. Since our purpose is to teach skills in Bible study, try it yourself exercises are provided to hopefully help apply the skills described. However, one will learn very little unless the exercises are actually worked. In fact, they are the most important part. Since their purpose is to teach how to study, do not be too concerned about results, i.e., whether the answers are right or wrong. If, through following some of the steps outlined, you gain more insight into a Bible portion; the exercise is accomplishing its purpose if you learn better how to think, mediate, analyze, interpret and apply. Do not become discouraged in the process. The Lord will increase your capacity to gain deeper insights into His Word as you pray, practice, and persevere. Give Him a chance.

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