Small Group Bible Study

Bible lessons on this website begin with “Lesson Plan,” that division of the introduction to each lesson giving a brief outline of the lesson in tabular form. While the “Lesson Plan” presents in miniature the entire scope of a particular lesson, it is not intended necessarily as a fixed plan of lesson presentation, to be followed by every teacher, but more as a suggestion of a method. As a Small Group Bible Study teacher you will hopefully, in time, frame your Bible outline to fit your own approach, while meeting the needs of your Bible study group.

However, there are certain elements which will be found in all well-constructed lesson plans – the subject (the essential thing to be taught) and the theme (which binds all the rest together). While the Small Group Bible Study teacher is encouraged to personally formulate each lesson, it is suggested that the whole lesson be woven around a central theme. In other words, whatever else is taught or omitted, the central theme should always be taught.

Then, the Bible passage should be read. If it is a long one, it should be broken up into its logical parts, each related to the central theme. If it consists of several separated passages, the central thought of each should be grasped and connected with the main subject of the lesson. And finally, the application of the entire lesson to the lives of your study group must be made, with perhaps subordinate applications of the several sections of the lesson.

But the main thing is to have a purpose in your teaching. If you aim at nothing, you will hit just what you aim at. If, on the contrary, you are evidently going somewhere with all your might, the study group will be swept along with you. Motion always attracts and holds attention; that is why so many people follow races with such eager gaze. So run that ye may obtain.

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