Remembering Jesus - The Lord's Supper

The Lord’s Supper has been central to Christian worship ever since Jesus instituted it in the first century, A.D.

However, the Lord’s Supper emerged out of the Passover meal. This Jewish religious observance had been in existence for over fourteen hundred years when Jesus came to earth. Therefore, historical origins of the Lord’s Supper are deeply rooted in the ancient past.

The Passover was observed by the Jews in order to communicate their deliverance out of Egyptian slavery. The actual historical event occurred only one time, of course. However, as the centuries rolled by the Jews kept that glorious liberation in mind by their diligent keeping of the Passover. Fortunately for us, records pertaining to the Passover have been preserved in both biblical and extra-biblical literature. These writings show that the Jews kept the Passover from the days of their deliverance from Egyptian bondage throughout their checkered history. Therefore, we find ourselves in the advantageous position of gaining insights into why the Passover was always central to the Jews as individuals and as a collective people of God. This kind of historical backdrop is exceptional. It affords us the information we need to know about the origin of the Passover, its significance for those who kept it, the details of how it was kept, and the reason there is a close affinity between the Passover and the Lord’s Supper.

This rich information gives us the ability to appreciate the importance of the Passover for God’s people of old and the significance of the Lord’s Supper for God’s people today. For example: The Hebrews were saved from death by the blood of the sacrificed lamb they placed on the doorposts of their homes the awful night that death passed over them in Egypt. And now followers of Jesus the Messiah may be spared spiritual death by the blood He shed on the cross that awful day of His crucifixion outside the walls of Jerusalem.

The Passover was instituted well over three millennia ago; the Lord’s Supper was established by Christ over two millennia ago. Without the rich historical backgrounds we have of these two festivals, we would not be able to fulfill an essential feature of the Lord’s Supper. Early followers of Jesus were told by Him, “Do this in remembrance of Me.”

We cannot remember what we have not experienced or learned. Therefore, just as the ancient Hebrew fathers explained the meaning of the Passover to their children, so we must learn the deep meaning of the Lord’s Supper by studying, learning, reflecting, and properly participating in it.

History means nothing to us unless we know something about it. What would phrases like “the cold war,” “The Eagle has landed,” or “Pearl Harbor” mean to us if we had no concept of the context out of which they came? The same is true of the Lord’s Supper. This first lesson in a series of lessons on the Lord’s Supper gives us the information and context we need to come to a deep and grateful appreciation of this sacred meal. Therefore, as we move forward in our study, we will become more knowledgeable and appreciative of what the Lord’s Supper is all about. We will be more committed to the One who gave His life for us that we may live for Him.

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