Biblical Essays

The Bible is the narrative account of God’s purpose to redeem sinful-but-dearly-loved humankind through grace revealed in Jesus Christ. And people who overhear that story get pulled into the narrative and follow through with their own involvement in “The Story.”

The ultimate story of human life is this: Your story is my story. In other words, our personal and collective stories make sense only in relation to God’s Story as brought to fulfillment in Jesus.  Is the Gospel a series of doctrinal affirmations over which we fight? Or is it the unfolding story of God’s purpose for the creatures He has made in His own image and likeness?

In its simplest form, evangelism is drawing people into the story of Jesus. It is challenging people to see themselves and all the events and relationships of their lives in the light of Jesus as their Way, Truth, and Life. So the task of evangelism is to share the Gospel, inviting people to channel the streams and tributaries of their human experience into the ocean vastness of God’s love for them in Christ. It is to call them to find meaning, identity, and purpose for life in Him.

Today’s culture offers the option of shutting out God, pursuing a self-willed agenda and suffering the consequences. The church can make a difference, but only if its identity is shaped by God’s nature; its activities reflect His redemptive love; and authentic joy reigns. The church is an alternative culture only because it’s not of this world.

But how can our neighbors get caught up in the story of Jesus without seeing us genuinely engaged with it? The heart of evangelism is not promotional gimmicks such as bumper stickers, T-shirts, etc. It is bona fide imitation of Jesus. Only when Christians become cultural alternatives to the world’s racism and sexism, jealousy and rivalry, selfishness and materialism can we be light in a dark world.

How does your neighbor, worker, classmate, or friend who does not know Christ see you? Do you keep promises? Live with integrity? Care about others? Demonstrate an appealing joyous way of life? Is your belief and commitment so strong and visible in your way of life that others will want to share with you their personal confusion and emptiness? Only then will they be open to talking with you about Jesus, coming to church events with you, reading a piece of literature, or participating in your small-group Bible study.

In the process of interacting with a child of God, they hear the music of the Gospel and begin to move to its tempo. They see how “The Story” engages their own stories. And they are encountered by the Holy Spirit and transformed.

The story told in Scripture still engages and enlists hearts. Our task is to model it. Paint the picture. Produce the music. God sees to the result. Are you living “The Story”?

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